Where Life is celebrated, Love is affirmed, and Grief and Joy are shared.

One Church, three areas of worship and a creative spoke for congregation and community. Come and join us as we work together in prayer and hope in a world of change.

Click the circles below for more information


Find a warm welcome at any of our services in our Corstorphine church centres        

  • 19 January 10.30am Craigsbank
  • 26 January 10.30am East Craigs
  • 2 February 10.30am CraigsbankCommunion
  • 9 February 10.30am East Craigs – Communion

  • Corstorphine Craigsbank Church – 19 Craigs Bank, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8HD, 10.30am, on the first and third Sunday of the month. Directions
  • East Craigs Church Centre – 8 Bughtlin Market, East Craigs, Edinburgh EH12 8XP, 10.30am, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. Directions
  • Cafe Church – 19 Craigs Bank, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8HD, 10.30am, on a fifth Sunday of any month. Directions
  • You can also watch a shortened version of our service online every Sunday on YouTube.

We are a Church working within and beyond walls and at present we have two centres of worship but also worship out-of-doors. We are changing the way our buildings work for the congregation and the community (and we are opening the door to step outside). Find out more.

Past services can be viewed at our YouTube channel

Craigsbank Parish Church
is part of the Church
of Scotland

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Scottish Registered Charity SC014179

Scottish Registered Charity: SC014179