Our ‘Toastie Thursdays’ project, jointly delivered by Craigsbank and the Old Parish, has made the headlines and now the success of the project has been introduced to MSPs in the debating hall of the Scottish Parliament.
On 25 September, the Rev Moira McDonald, told MSPs from all parties of the success of the initiative which has seen more than 16,000 toasties served to local secondary school pupils over the last two years. The community has pulled together to offer around 300 pupils the regular chance to attend Toastie Thursday at Craigsbank Parish Church.
Moira said that Toastie Thursday is the highlight of the week for many people:
“For the pupils who enjoy the food, the fresh air and the break from school,” she added.
“For the staff at Craigmount who feel the busyness of the school easing a little as pupils disappear to the church hall.
“For the parents who normally provide packed lunches but find they don’t need to on Thursdays, although they do have to find £2 from the back of the sofa.
“For the toastie makers and servers, volunteers who have bonded over the challenges of serving 300 teenagers and discovered friendships and possibilities in the process.
“Friendships and possibilities that are reflected in the relationships formed between the pupils and the volunteers, in the relationship between the churches and the school, and with our local shops and supermarkets where we buy the supplies.”
You can read the full address on the Church of Scotland website.