Latest Past Events

Summer Community Picnic

Fauldburn Park Edinburgh Fauldburn Park, East Craigs, Edinburgh

  Saturday 22 June, 2.00pm – 4.00pm Fauldburn Park East Craigs All welcome. Bring your own family picnic


Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid

Craigsbank Church 19 Craigs Bank, Edinburgh

Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid Sat 4 May, 10:30am-12 noon Craigsbank Church Coffee mornings at Craigsbank are legendary. Our bakers are amongst the very best you will find. Come along and find out for yourself. Tickets available from the Hospitality Team or Church Office (0131 334 6365)


East Craigs Church Centre 8 Bughtlin Market, East Craigs, Edinburgh

The Fellowship Group meets at 2.30pm at East Craigs. Tea and coffee and blethers, with a bit of music, open to everyone. The group will then meet again every fortnight thereafter through October and November. Contact Julie Wilkinson for more information