Latest Past Events

Christian Aid Hunger Lunch

Craigsbank Church 19 Craigs Bank, Edinburgh

This much cherished date for our diaries is rushing towards us. Make sure it is in your diary. Sunday 15 December in the hall after the service at Craigsbank (roughly 12 noon). A simple lunch of soup, bread and cheese is offered in exchange for a donation (no matter how big or small) to Christian […]


Charity Ceilidh

Craigsbank Church 19 Craigs Bank, Edinburgh

Look out your dancing shoes. Saturday 30 November 2024 is the date for the St Andrews / Christmas Charity Ceilidh at Craigsbank. Tickets are £10 including live music, dancing, finger food and good company! BYOB and set the dial to fun


Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid

Craigsbank Church 19 Craigs Bank, Edinburgh

Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid Sat 4 May, 10:30am-12 noon Craigsbank Church Coffee mornings at Craigsbank are legendary. Our bakers are amongst the very best you will find. Come along and find out for yourself. Tickets available from the Hospitality Team or Church Office (0131 334 6365)