What’s on offer?
Music in church
Youngsters with musical ability or interest (and indeed people of all ages) are encouraged to take part in services and concerts of all kinds. Our musician, John Patterson, runs a very popular Junior Music Makers group on a Thursday evening for all children up to early Secondary school age. No experience required. Email John for more information.

Our leaders
Our Children’s ministry team is creative, imaginative and super fun and all involved hold safeguarding certificates.
Sunday Mornings
Young people of all ages are welcome. No-one should worry if a phone pings at a quiet moment. Or a toy drops to the floor. Parents, please don’t panic if a baby cries. Feel free to get up and move around.
We have a pro-active, energetic and dedicated team of leaders for our young people.
Stepping Stones, pre-school to primary 7, runs every Sunday during the school term dates at 10.30am however as we are currently low in numbers we are partnering with our fellow church in Corstorphine, the Old Parish Church, for structured Sunday Christian educational activities.

Messy Church
But for rolling up your sleeves and getting mucky, nothing beats our Messy Church during school holiday periods and at key points in the year, at either Craigsbank or East Craigs!
When is the next Messy Church? Watch this space for details
We are looking forward to welcoming lots of previous Messy Church families back to our next Messy Church experience and hoping to meet many new folk too.

Craigsbank Toddle Tots
A new, fun group for parents, grandparents, carers and Tiny Tots is now up and running. ‘Craigsbank Toddle Tots’, is held in the main hall at Craigsbank church from 10.30am to 12 noon on Wednesdays, starting on the 30 November 2022.
Contact Ceri Ashton at the church office.
Lots of toys, snacks, drinks, and tea & coffee (adults only) provided!!

Craigie’s Kids Corner
Take a look at Craigie’s Kids Corner, our online story time, craft corner and fun activities for all children.
For secondary school kids
Toastie Thursdays

Craigsbank Parish Church and the Old Parish Church work together with our local Craigmount High School and Christian youth workers from Young Life International to offer a very affordable lunch option for pupils on Thursday afternoons over the school’s lunch break.
The price of the lunch is £1.50, with free fruit if we can. The main aim is to offer Christian hospitality to the children in the parish high school – and it’s proving very popular. The catchphrase is ‘The best welcome of the week’.
Thursday lunchtimes, juniors at 12.20pm and seniors at 1.10pm.
The Scout Association is an inclusive, values-based Movement, which supports almost half a million people aged 4-15 to develop skills for life. Are you ready to join the adventure? Visit the Scout Website for more general information on what to expect.
Challenge yourself through Guiding to do something different and make great friends along the way. View the calendar for details of Guiding at Craigsbank and East Craigs and visit the GirlGuiding website for more general information on what to expect. Rainbows start at age 4, Brownies at 7 and Guides at 10.