The Kirk in Crisis: Five Centuries of The Church in Scotland

A Series of Talks by Dr Andrew Carter followed by discussion about the Church’s history and what it means today

Image kindly supplied by the trustees of The Great Tapestry of Scotland.

Meetings held at St Ninian’s Church, each one starting at 7.30pm:

  • Monday 15 July 2024 – Unreformable? The Scottish Church Before the Reformation
  • Monday 22 July 2024 – 1560 And All That: John Knox and the reformation
  • Monday 29 July 2024 – Who’s in Charge? Part 1. The King vs The Kirk 1560 – 1638
  • Tuesday 6 August 2024 – Who’s in Charge? Part 2. Presbyterians vs Bishops 1638 – 1689
  • Monday 12 August 2024 – Disruption! The 10 Years Conflict, 1843 & The Free Church

All welcome to attend what should be a fascinating series of talks.

A Summer Break for Regular Activities

The following regular activities will be taking a break over the summer weeks:

Craigsbank Toddle Tots – Last meeting for this session, 26 June. Resumes Wednesday 21 August 10.30-12.00

Toastie Thursdays – Resume Thursday 22 August

Junior Music Makers and the Singers groups – Resume in August – exact date tbc

Our heartfelt thanks to the leaders of these groups. We wish you all a relaxing summer ahead!

A Summer Community Picnic to LIFT THE HEART

Our Summer Community Picnic on the afternoon of Saturday 22 June was a great success. It was held in Fauldburn Park at East Craigs and we were blessed with a great turnout of families and perfect weather for our afternoon of fun and games.

Anne sends her thanks to all for covering every eventuality and for the extra support of Tim, Harry and the Good Samaritans who were ‘on call’ at the crucial time!! 

Fun kids activities included:

Football Challenge; Touch Rugby; Parachute Games; Treasure Hunt; Rounders and Races.

A look back at a Moving and Uplifting Easter

Easter Sunday 2024 brought communities from the streets of Craigsbank and East Craigs – and much further afield – together for a very special Cafe Church service. Those who gathered did so round tables of friends, family and strangers, and enjoyed baskets filled with hot cross buns, scones, chocolate-crispie easter cakes, coffee and tea, jams and honey. They enjoyed too the company across generations, heartfelt prayer, the sound of young voices from Junior Music Makers AND three baptisms. The children were swept up in daffodil and seed planting and a superb easter egg hunt in the sanctuary. All left uplifted.

‘Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.’

Hebrews 13:2

Burns Supper 2024 – A huge success

Our annual sell-out Burns Supper was a great success this year.

A four-course feast was prepared by the hospitality team and our sincere thanks go to them. The attention to detail on the tables was beautiful, the food prepared and served piping hot would have been applauded in any restaurant and the lightness of the meringues for pud was just perfect. And there was even home made tablet with the coffee – the perfect finish to an outstanding meal. All on the team were grateful that there was a new dishwasher but somehow Anna still found herself in the sink for some hours!

Before and after the meal, our Singers (led by John) entertained us with traditional songs and then the Highland Dancers from Manor School of Dance took to the stage to the delight of everyone present. They were a joy to watch and made good use of a stage that has been graced by generations past and present across the Church and community.

But you know, more than anything, it was the delight that we found in each others’ company on the evening that made it just so special. Friends old and new.