Christmas 2023 – a joyful time

Over the Christmas period our church and church centre have been busy, noisy, welcoming and happy, contemplative places to be. In addition to the many indoor activities (which included concerts, candlelit evenings, carol services, gift services, School services, a Christian Aid lunch, a service of remembrance and our wonderful Messy Church and Junior Music Makers Nativity) the area surrounding East Craigs has been transformed through Bulb Planting. And our Eco Heroes have represented us at Parliament protests. All of this on top of our regular thought-provoking services.

Our musician and singers, hospitality group and Eco team have been particularly busy but none more so than our minister, Alan Childs. We are grateful to each and every one of them.

Bereavement Service

The last couple of years have been challenging and many of us have lost loved ones. You are invited to a Bereavement service to remember those we have cherished and lost.

This year, the service will be held at East Craigs at 3.00pm on 4 December 2022. If you plan to come along, please contact our church administrator. 

We hope to see you there.

Christmas Gift Service

All children in Scotland should wake up to a gift on Christmas morning. We want to help make that a reality.

Every year, members of the congregation and friends of Craigsbank and East Craigs, kindly donate gifts for children from birth to mid teens who have a parent in prison in the Edinburgh area. This year the dates for our Gift Service are the first Sunday of December (4) at Craigsbank and the second Sunday of December (11) at East Craigs.

Please dig deep once again. We ask for new gifts – toys/books/soft toys for children of all ages from birth to teens to be brought to the church UNWRAPPED.

Jackie Rankine will collect the toys after the services and arrange for our contact person from Saughton Prison to collect them on Monday 12 December.

Please contact Jackie or the Church Office with any questions.

Christmas Gift Service

All children in Scotland should wake up to a gift on Christmas morning. We want to help make that a reality.

Every year, members of the congregation and friends of Craigsbank and East Craigs, kindly donate gifts for children from birth to mid teens who have a parent in prison in the Edinburgh area. This year the dates for our Gift Service are the first Sunday of December (4) at Craigsbank and the second Sunday of December (11) at East Craigs.

Please dig deep once again. We ask for new gifts – toys/books/soft toys for children of all ages from birth to teens to be brought to the church UNWRAPPED.

Jackie Rankine will collect the toys after the services and arrange for our contact person from Saughton Prison to collect them on Monday 12 December.

Please contact Jackie or the Church Office with any questions.