Christmas 2023 – a joyful time

Over the Christmas period our church and church centre have been busy, noisy, welcoming and happy, contemplative places to be. In addition to the many indoor activities (which included concerts, candlelit evenings, carol services, gift services, School services, a Christian Aid lunch, a service of remembrance and our wonderful Messy Church and Junior Music Makers Nativity) the area surrounding East Craigs has been transformed through Bulb Planting. And our Eco Heroes have represented us at Parliament protests. All of this on top of our regular thought-provoking services.

Our musician and singers, hospitality group and Eco team have been particularly busy but none more so than our minister, Alan Childs. We are grateful to each and every one of them.

Planting for Spring now Complete!

Our bulb planters were out in force today at Fauldburn Park in wet weather gear – to provide a touch of Spring sunshine when the time comes. Anne reports that the team were happy to be planting despite the weather. And managed to plant over 1000 bulbs. We’re all looking forward to Springtime displays.

Where were we planting? See the maps below for the sites where the bulbs were planted.

Plant a smile for Spring

Bulb Planting – The Eco group are meeting at 2.00pm at Craigievar Park (just off Craigs Road) on Wednesday 23 November to plant Spring bulbs with the Park Ranger and staff from CEC.

Volunteers will be very welcome (with or without gloves and trowel!). Come and join us.

For more information, contact Anne Currie